Oman Dive Center

September 23, 2011

If there's a place I love about Muscat, it is Oman Dive Center!  It's a resort just adjacent to the equally picturesque (money-required :-) ) Shangrila's Bar Al Jissah. The few Riyals for entrance fees are well worth the different experience. It's not just about beaches anyway, but of stunning water creatures and beach side formations too. It was late at 5pm when we reached the place from Yiti Beach and we cannot resist the view from atop. It closes at 7pm so there's not much we have done but we enjoyed anyway.

I've been running through online videos of Oman's underwater wonders which made me wish we could dive and return to OMC for what it's for: a diving center.

Things I like at Oman Dive Center:

1. The low tide showing off 'dented' sides of the mountain enclosures. Going nearer, one amazingly witnesses this is home to aquatic creatures.

2. The enclosed location gives more  sense of privacy and diverting from the usual long stretches of open beaches.

3. The low depth further is perfect for kids, giving less worry for parents.

4. Diverse activities

5. Shallow wonders -- water creeping out small holes, snails, crabs

6. The pool, albeit small to wrap activities up.

For you wanting to know the entrance fees, business hours, restaurant hours, here's the information board outside Oman Dive Center that welcomed us (please click on photo for a clearer view):

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  1. Ang ganda naman dyan, mukhang ang dami-daming magandang kunan ng pics. Sure na mag-eenjoy nga mga bata sa ganyang lugar.

    May naalala tuloy ako dahil sa picture ng snail :) Hmm..childhood memories:)

    Pahabol: I was about to hit the "post comment" , natuwa ako sa word verification, "rating" hehehe. Malamang kailangan ko rin pumunta dyan at i-rate ang place :)

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