Turkey tourism visa requirements from Dubai

May 05, 2011

Two months back (March 2011), we  checked the Turkish Embassy at the Dubai World Trade Center for visa requirements. As a Filipino, we're not as privileged to be among the countries exempt from visa or of countries who can obtain visa at any Turkish border gate (If you have searched and your nationality belongs on either list, you may not read on :) ). But I'm still glad our Turkey Tourism Visa can be issued by the consulate which can be claimed the next day.On my first visit, I got these information from the paper available at the reception. Be wary though that this is as of March 2011:


- Visa application timings are 10:00 - 12:00; Sunday to Thursday
- Make your visa application in person at least one week before you proceed to Turkey to avoid any inconvenience.
-Visa information and for different countries may be found here: http://www.konsolosluk.gov.tr/Homepage.aspx
- Basic documentations for visa applications are:

For Tourism Visa:
  • Application form (http://mfa.gov.tr/data/konsolosluk/visaform.doc) must be completed with accurate information and signed.
  • Original passport (must be valid for at least six months during the time of application),
  • One passport copy
  • One passport sized photo (in color, new and clear)
  • NOC (No objection) letter from the sponsor. If the applicant is the owner of the company, a copy of his/her trade license is required. For children under 18 years old, the NOC letter must be signed by both parents.
  • Copy of confirmed flight tickets and hotel booking (for all passengers)
  • Bank statement for the last three months
  • If the applicant is employed, salary certificate
  • If the applicant is unemployed, the sponsor's passport copy
  • If the applicant is a maid, the sponsor must be present for the application.
For Business Visa:
  • Application form (www.mfa.gov.tr) must be completed with accurate information and must be signed.
  • Original passport (must be valid for at least 6 months during time of application)
  • One passport copy
  • One passport size photo (in color, new and clear)
  • NOC (No objection) letter from the sponsor. If the applicant is the owner of the company, a copy of his/her trade license is required.
  • Invitation letter from the Turkish company.
  • Copy of confirmed roundtrip flight tickets and hotel booking (for all passengers).

For single entry in UAE Dirhams are:

Afghanistan 215, Bangladesh 215, China 215, Algeria  215, Egypt 240, Ethiopia 215, India 215, Indonesia 215, Iraq Free of Charge, Kenya 235, Kuwait 215, Lebanon 215, Maldives 215, Nigeria 250, Pakistan 215, Palestine 215, Philippines 215, Qatar 270, Saudi Arabia 300, Somali 250, Sri Lanka 215, South Africa 230, Sudan 215, Thailand 215, United Arab Emirates 765, Yemen 215.

I've skipped copying the categories of different countries,but you may want to leave me a message in the comment box should you want me to look up in the list where your country is included in any of the following:
  • Countries exempt from visa
  • Countries obtaining visa upon arrival at Turkish border gates
  • Countries requiring visa issued by the consulate
  • Countries requiring approval from the Turkish authorities in Ankara

 Turkey is a fascinating place. I know you would agree :)

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  1. find it so helpful thanks!

  2. Hi how much money they require for bank statement. Thanks

  3. hello!,ask me if allowe to travel that my contract finished this march 26,then plan to tourist with fren businessman in turkish sponsored? my passport expired on march 2014? could i avail the tourist prevelage? all doc i can present.....tnx reps pls

  4. Hi! how much money they require for the bank statement. Thanks

  5. same question as above: how much money require for bank statement?

  6. Hello I am going along with my sponser to istanbul for 3 days should I required bank statement or not if required how much it should be thanks pls reply me.

  7. Great and a very useful blog for me. Keep sharing.


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