Gremly Notes

October 15, 2010

Gremly Mom thing: 
I've been reaching home late for some days now and been missing on my conviction to lose the nine kgs I gained in a year (!) through daily gym visits.  It's my first time last week to use the treadmill and twice did a 30 minute 2.85km for 135 kcal each.

Gaining weight may still be acceptable at some level (my body mass index is normal), however if the weight is accumulating at the wrong place, it is all but good =( . How about a bulging belly?

Gremly Son acts:
This blog is supposed to be my Gremlin's diary, and again, I hadn't been writing enough. Anyways --

1) "Mama, I broke your laptop because I opened many tabs" my Gremlin said last week. He switches our machines on his own and opens youtube (we're on vista, and the youtube icon is on the IE homepage). I havent really tracked how he bookmarked his favorite fountain shows.

He'd say "Can we go watch the fountain shows in the USA?", referring to Vegas, and I'd say "But we need many money to go there!"

Messing with our open windows
Apart from fountain shows, the Gremlin added Atlantis at The Palm opening fireworks to his video browsing. He copied below text from youtube and said another "Can we go here mama and papa?"

The smaller texts say: PALM JUMEIRAH DUBAI

2) If the Gremlin is to fail his subjects, it'd be Filipino! Making it worse is we cannot tell him all the Filipino names of the drawings in his book, kaya nakakahiya :( . He's got an Arabic class but I guess it's new to almost all in their class =)

Btw, this is how my four-year-old-on-his-first-year-of-school copy his assignments:

And this is where he completes them. Messy =)

At dinner, we force our Gremlin to eat. Last week, he said: "Enough mama, the food will go up my head and down my feet because I'm full!" as he slides his hands from tummy to his head and down to his feet.
4) My Gremlin is known to play by himself, that it cheers me seeing him  getting along well with Kuya G's kids. 


Gremly Weekends:
My Gremlin's Lola Mommy is here since a month now, hence weekends are spent driving around. Here's some we passed by:

A cultural/ historical structure in Al Khan, Sharjah

A desert tree in Um Al Quwain

Outside Sharjah Aquarium

 Have a great weekend!

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  1. Nah, I don't see a bulging tummy =)

    Gremlin looks cute. Takot ako baka matumba sya sa chair, hehe.

    You take good pictures!

  2. me too, your figure's still ok. at least you're sexier than me he he he...this post reminds me to go back to the gym also.

    may i ask, your Gremlin's having Filipino subject there in Dubai? well am glad to know that. It's good he's having arabic lessons as well.

  3. I think your tummy is fine. My treadmill is resting for a long time already. :(

  4. @ Mumsified - the fit of my shirt is masking it, but it is for my size =( .Thanks, the camera likes me now, hehe.

    @ Luta - my weight gain is alarming, almost a kg a month, the last time I tipped this weight was 14 years ago! Kalel's in a Filipino school so they have Filipino subject. ARabic is mandatory in all schools it seems.

    @ Witsandnuts - not when I wear my tummy-fitting shirts :( It takes much of determination to even think of the treadmill, but we can, let's start believing we can =)

  5. talking about weight gain, i'm a bit worried especially with the big holidays coming and i tend to eat a lot. i think you look fine.

    i love the sunset shot.


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