My laptop resolutions

January 02, 2010

I got a "you-think-I-believe-you" smile from Kalel's dad when I said "I should start limiting my facebook and browsing time. Say 7-8pm and 10-11pm"

Of course, that would be a struggle. I had always wanted disconnection but cant really stand for it. Yeah, facebook and showbiz (haha, umamin mahilig) are staples.

For 2010, I challenge myself to trade facebook and showbiz news for the following better use of this laptop! I'll ask hubby a treat for Kalel to Haagen Daz if I get to accomplish at least half midway in the year =)

1) Hock audio and printable reviewer (I've traded my May09 return airfare for this and havent yet covered 20% !)
2) American accent training audio (hehe, bought this in 2007 to boost my speaking confidence after working with Iranians who cant speak English. Managed to listen two of the four audios since)
3) The Secret audio books (Just got it from Kuya Greg, he vouched this to be effective)
4) Franklin Covey audio books (another again from kuya Greg)
5) Corel Draw/ Photoshop training
6) Regular research on old-age (early fifties, hehe) illnesses write-ups to email Kalel's grannies
7) Enhance this blog's layout

I stop the list here, otherwise I'm just betting on frustration, hehe.

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